Monday, January 19, 2009

January 2009 already!

With more time on my hands than ever I don't know where it goes. I am still looking for a job, although now I am really looking. I spend every minute I can with Jerylin and Talen knowing it will not be as often when I do go back to work. Uncle Doug, Aunt Shelley, Makayla and Dani came over to see Talen. He was his usual charming self. The girls had to try out my Harley. It was so good to see all of them.

We went to see Zoo Lights with Jerylin Jonathan and Talen. It happens every year but this is the first time that Jerry and I have gone. It was very pretty and Talen stayed awake for most of it even though it was near his bed time. He really enjoys lights and they had music playing too.

Jerry and I have been enjoying having 3 day weekends together. We take the bikes out and ride and hit a restaurant or drop in on friends. Saturday a few chores for Jerry, but not too many now that I am not working. Pappa needs his baby fix every weekend so the kids are over to hang out and eat with us at least one day. If you have read Jerylin's blog you already know how last weekends evening ended. I will tell it any way. We were packing the kids up to leave after dinner. We headed out the door with Jonathan holding Talen and all that comes with him, and Jerylin had Ponce, he likes to run away, and Luna. It was cold and it was dark so everyone was doing their best to get the car seat and dogs loaded up. Jerylin threw Ponce in the front seat with her purse and shut the door so he wouldn't run. Jonathan was putting Talen in the backseat and we were kissing him good-by. After hugs from the kids they went to get in the car and Ponce had stepped on the lock button and locked him and Talen inside the car, with the only set of keys. We tried to get him to step on the lock button again but he just looked at us. Talen was screaming, he really hates being in his car seat. Should we break the window? Jerylin was on the phone with her cousin's Dan and Dave the firemen who said to call 911 so she did. Of course not being a real emergency they connected her with rural metro-our designated emergency fire department which is 30 miles away. When I heard her I told her to hang up they would never get here and once again wondered if breaking the window was our only choice. I saw the neighbor down the road pull in and headed off for help. He is a fireman. Thanks to Robert he and Pappa pried the door enough to slide a long metal rod in and hit the unlock button. What a night!

We had a much less eventful day yesterday. Talen came over with his parent's to tail gate here before the big Cardinals game against the Eagles. Jonathan and his friend JR had 10th row tickets for the big play off game. Jerylin drove them there so they wouldn't have to worry about parking and then came back to watch the game with us. We picked up my Mom to come spend the day with us since Larry was working at the game. Talen loves football, it's loud and bright. After the Cardinals won the game she packed up Talen the dogs and headed out to pick up the guys and dropped Mom on the way. It was an exciting game and we are now in the Super Bowl!