Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cute Pictures

Since Jerylin is in bed with the flu I thought I should post a couple of pictures so you can get your Talen fix.
Talen and his buddy Kyler playing with a new giggle toy that Daddy got for his birthday. Talen is 10 days older, they came to Jonathan's birthday party and spent the night in a tent-good babies.

Jerylin and her little man in his cute jeans.

Tummy time with Jamma, entertain me please.

Miss Jerylin and her 4 year olds at the Phoenix Zoo.
Jamma got to go with the class to the zoo, it was such a fun day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Busy Week-Jonathan's 30th Birthday

What a fun week. We packed the toy hauler, mostly with baby stuff, for our camping trip at Lake Pleasant for Jonathan's 30th birthday party. Nancy flew in to surprise Jonathan on Friday morning and Jerry and I headed to the airport along with Talen to pick her up. To our surprise John had surprised us all and flew in on a separate flight and was waiting for us all. We stopped at Margaritaville for lunch on the way home, of course everyone had to stop to admire our beautiful Grandson.
As soon as we got home the guys just had to get on the bikes for an afternoon ride in the sunshine. Nancy and I spent the afternoon playing with Talen and waiting for the kids to get off work so she could surprise Jon. We all sat out in the gazebo and had pizza for dinner, again when you come from Michigan in winter being outside is wonderful.

Saturday we finished packing the trailer and headed out. What fun we all had. Jerylin did a great job of planning and there was plenty of food, games, a warm fire and good friends, just about everyone spent the night. Several were gone early because nice as it was it was cold sleeping in the tents. Judy a teacher at Jonathan's school took John and Nancy for a ride on her pontoon boat on Sunday as the rest of us headed for home. Talen was done camping and wanted his own house.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another Year Older-Me not Talen

It's hard to believe an entire year has passed since Jerylin and Jonathan announced they were going to have a baby. I know most people start their year on January 1st, but mine seems to begin on my birthday and go from there. We had a great breakfast with Jerry's parents to start the celebration. Then Jerry cooked steak for us on Sunday night. I was lucky enough to spend my birthday with my parents who spoiled me all day. I find myself counting my blessings more than I used to, when all you hear is bad news it's good to reflect on the good, and we have so much of the good I feel a bit guilty sometimes.
My two favorite guys!
I continue to look for a job along with the many other unemployed here in Phoenix. I feel confident that my new job is just around the corner. I meet with other unemployed ladies for lunch each week and swap ideas and good cheer. Thanks for the support ladies!

Talen continues to be the center of my life right now. He is such a sweet baby and growing so fast. It will be sad when these days are gone forever but we are looking forward to the toddler years. Jerylin is now back to work and I get to have him 2 or 3 days a week and enjoy every minute. I got to go with Jerylin's class on a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo last week and what a fun day.

We will be heading to the lake on Saturday to celebrate Jonathan's 30th birthday. Should be a lot of fun. I am sure Jerylin will post pictures after. The following weekend we are going to try once again to go to the dunes. It has been a very wet winter and each trip we have planned so far we have had to cancel.

I have been busy scrap booking. I have been wanting to do it for sometime and have been collecting supplies but just never sat down to do it. I finally have the time and made a book for Great Grandma Rose, one for Nancy and John too. It was so much fun looking back at all the pictures from Talen's birth until now. I am now working on a book for us about our adventures on the motorcycles. Now that I am organized and going I hope to keep up on them all.