Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look How Talen Has Grown

What a difference 4 months makes, here is Talen at 4 weeks in his little bouncy chair

and today he was helping me in the garden and he has almost outgrown his chair.
His toes are his favorite toys this week.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Boy

Mom and Dad are on spring break, the weather is sunny and warm and naked is the way to go.

Playing with my toes at Jamma and Pappa's house on St. Patricks Day. My parents headed off to spend the night in Camp Verde and I get to have an overnighter with my Grandparents.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring fun.

Spring is here, not that we had much of a winter. Jerry has taken on yet another big landscape project in the back yard and works until he's worn out every weekend. There is not much time left before the hot weather sets in for him to get it done. My part, the planting of the new plants, has not yet begun. I have marked placement of the watering system for Jerry and Talen and I spend time watching and telling him what a good job he is doing but that is as much work as I have contributed. I have been busy in the rest of the yard with my flowers and trying to keep the weeds under control-a never ending battle this year because of all the winter rain. The flowers are so pretty this year and I am hoping the heat holds of for a while so we can enjoy them.

Without talking to Jerylin we bought Talen a swing for the back yard on the same weekend she bought one for their back yard. Like minds and all that. He so enjoys being outside, which is where we spend most of our time too. He is growing so fast and everyday learns to do something new. He sits on his own now and grabs everything he can and of course everything must be tasted.

I can't wait until Talen can point, I can tell he hears the birds and planes but I don't know if he sees them yet. We were at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Phil's house for a sausage party and she has bird feeders in the front yard. Talen loved sitting and watching all the birds. Talen got to see his cousin Torin who is only 6 weeks younger, the two of them are going to have such a good time as they grow together.

Jerry and I are getting out on the bikes as often as we can. We rode up through Wickenberg and up Yarnell hill to Kirkland. It was much cooler there, I was glad I had my leather jacket, Jerry was fine in a sweat shirt, or so he says. Kirkland is just a cafe/saloon. It was built in 1863 and started out as a railway station. We like to take this road up to Prescott through Skull Valley but this trip we headed back, still too cold for me to go on up the mountain.