Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baby Gym

Here I come Jamma!

Jerylin and Jonathan invited me to come see Talen playing with his buddies at the gym. How cute is this baby! He and his buddy Kyler are the youngest in attendance and by far the smartest and most talented.

Bouncing and balls seem to be the favorite, what good balance these babies have.

Daddy is fun, Talen jumps so high when he's helping.

Proud Mommies. They are having just as much fun watching. Rayann had twin 3 year olds that are off and running through the gym.

Before the hour was up so was our little guy. He actually fell asleep sitting on one of the climbing toys. This is his nap time after all.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Busy Baby

Talen thinks he has to go everywhere, reguardless of what's in his way. It was funny to watch him navigate through the iron bars of the end table. It took him a few trys but he made it.

Jerylin doesn't want Talen's baby soft skin to get roughed up so she got him knee pads. How cute!

We got a new basket for all Talen's toys. He loves digging through and finding what he wants.

Jedi is so good, Talen just loves to take away his balls and crawl all over him. He likes pulling on his collar too. Jedi takes it all in stride. Good dog!

Helen Rose Klettlinger turns 80

Not only was it Fathers Day, but Jerry's Mom celebrated her 80th birthday with her newest Great Grandson's Talen Evans and Torin Hamilton.

Talen is 8 months old now and Torin is almost 7 months.

What a good looking bunch.

Kristy and Becky had a good time with the boys too.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Water Baby

We can't keep him sitting any more, just wants to stand up.

He loves the water and loves to put his face in, he just needs to learn how to hold his breath.

The baby quail have hatched

Living where we do, we have lots of wild life. Some good, some not so good. My favorite birds are the quail and we have several that live near by.

One couple laid 8 eggs in the planter by our front door. We closed the court yard off to people and dogs and waited. I went in the court yard every day and the hen didn't seem to mind when I was around. I read on the Internet it took about 22 days for them to hatch so have been checking daily to see if we had little ones. She would leave the nest in the heat of the day but returned at night to keep them warm.

The past two days both the male and female were sitting in the planter and I knew something was happening. Yesterday, The female was on the ground with 2 or 3 little ones while the male continued to sit in the planter. I saw 2 little ones herded into the bushes by their mother, I was too late to catch a picture of them. She is on guard by the hose in the following picture. She sat so still she looked like a rock.

This morning, camera in hand I went to check on my little family. All gone, 7 of the 8 eggs hatched and as quail do they must have followed their parents off into the desert to search for food. I hope to catch a glimpse of them in the days to come and maybe even get a picture. It was all quite exciting to me.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wedding Luau

Our friends Brent and Maureen got married this past weekend. It was also Brent's 50th birthday. The wedding was outside at sunset in our friend John and Theresa's back yard and the reception next door at Dan and Patty's.

Of course no Luau is complete without a pig roast. Any and Denny supplied the pig and what a great big pig it was. Jerylin was not impressed and couldn't even go near it, but my three handsome men didn't mind me taking their picture.

Talen and his Pappa were so cute in their Hawaiian shirts. Jerylin always dresses Talen appropriately. The sun set was spectacular and so were the guys.

What fun having a crawling baby in the house! Ha Ha! We are all on the move as he gets into everything. Soon he will be flying off to Michigan with Jerylin and Jonathan to see his other Grandparent's-I hope they are prepared. Fun doesn't even describe what a great time we have with him but it is exhausting too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last day in Mexico

We started out with breakfast at La Cuerva, best Bloody Mary's. Sweet Talen fell asleep, nap time is nap time. Amy and Denny and Brian and GiGi were there eating too.

We had to make the trip out to JJ's Cantina in Cholla Bay where all the Peacemakers meet one last time with Roger Clyne before heading back across the border. It was too hot to wait for him to arrive for us though, we wanted to swim.

Amy and Denny invited us, or should I say we invited ourselves to take Talen swimming in the pool at their condo. They have such a beautiful place and are the best friends anyone could have. We went back to change into our swim suits and when we got back to their place they already had visitors. Mom, Larry, Amy and Mel were hanging out with them on the balcony. The view is awesome from their place, they are on the fifth floor. Talen loved the pool and it really tired him out. We stayed in the pool while he and Jerylin headed upstairs to the condo for a nap. He slept for almost 4 hours.

We went for fish dinner at the Sandbar by our RV park and then called it a night. We had to head home in the morning. Jerylin, Jonathan, Talen and Myla got to stay a couple of more days and will be headed home today. As always it was hard to leave the beach and this time even harder to leave knowing they were staying.
We had an easy and safe trip home and look forward to fall when we can go again. Rocky Point gets too hot in the summer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Talen's first Concert

Roger Clyne Concert

Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers are Jerylin's favorite band. Jonathan and her friends have become fans too. As a big full moon came up we waited for the concert to begin. Talen had already decided it was bedtime and had settled in for the night. Jerylin's friends Myla and her parents and Megan joined us. We were surprised during the concert by a big hug from our friends Denny and Kenny. How they found us in the sea of people I have no idea. They had never heard the band before but were soon dancing the night away.

Talen did wake up and join the party toward the end. He enjoyed the fireworks the most as Roger Clyne always makes sure to have a nice big bang at the end of each performance.

Playing on the Beach

Saturday after breakfast we all headed to the beach.

You can't beat the beaches in Rocky Point. The water is so warm and the waves aren't too big. Talen just likes being outside. It was hard now that he is crawling because he wants to eat the sand. Jerylin keeps him sun safe as you can see with sunscreen, glasses, hat and his own little cabana.

I think Talen has more of a tan than his Daddy. Jerylin has been out of school and they have been in the pool all week.


Thursday we headed to Rocky Point for some R&R. Mom and Larry and their friends Amy and Mel came along. It was Amy's first trip and Mel's last trip was in 1962. The ride down was an easy one but we were all glad to get there and park the RV's. We stayed at Playa del Oro, Jerylin's favorite spot.

We headed to the Fish market to get some taco's and buy some shrimp. Jerry was looking forward to going to the bakery for some sweets, unfortunately it was closed, the one armed man who owned it all these years had died. Sad to see. The weather was great, unseasonably cool. Mel and Amy's dog enjoyed his romps on the beach as we waited for Jerylin and Jonathan to arrive. Jonathan had to finish up a class at school.

Lots of time to relax and enjoy the sound of the surf.
The kids finally arrived and got settled in their beach front property. They have the week off.

Early Friday morning Jerylin and our little early bird showed up to play. Jerylin left and went back to her trailer to sleep while we enjoyed our wonderful Grandson.

Talen is crawling everywhere now and had great fun exploring the toy hauler.

He found his favorite spot was standing on the couch where he could see all the action going on outside. Of course everyone made a game of it and came to the window to see him. Mom and Larry had their coach washed and waxed and Talen found this very fun to watch.