Monday, August 31, 2009

Walking baby

I have to say I knew Talen would walk early, I just didn't know he would think it was so much fun. Although this little guy has done nothing but smile and laugh his entire life so I don't know why I thought he would take this any differently.

He walks everywhere now and doesn't need any help standing up-he can do it anywhere. Hands held high-eyes and mouth wide open and making noise where ever he goes. He laughs when he changes directions successfully without a spill and continues on his merry little way.

The dogs find this all quite amusing and today all 5 of them were following him along with Jamma. We will all be exhausted at the end of this day.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Talen's New Slide

Look what Mamma found on Craigslist.
Here I come-catch me!

Adventures in Talen Land

Jamma put these chairs here to keep me out of the kitchen-yea that took Talen about 2 minutes to figure out. Off to the Home Depot for cabinet locks!

Great Grandpa always has the latest in hats, Talen just had to try this one on.
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Kennedy bought this Halloween cat for Talen, you press down and it pops up and makes noise. The first ten times he thought it was funny, then it made a noise that scared him and now he can't even look at it without crying. Pappa threw it in the garbage because Talen cried, Jamma rescued it and put it away for next year.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jamma's little gardener

We spend time every morning watering the flowers, although the summer flower gardens are not as spectacular as the winter ones they take more work because of the heat.

Talen waters himself more than he waters the flowers. He loves to play in the sprinklers too.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Funny Baby

Aunt Becky was babysitting cousin Torin so we headed over to play. Torin was having lunch when Talen decided he had to have some too. Aunt Becky got another spoon and had to take turns, I think Talen was the winner here since he could get in her face and take the spoon right out of her hand.

It's always nice when the Great Grandparents can spend time with their two boys.
Talen's new dune goggles, his Pappa was at the store getting parts for the quads and these were on sale so he had to get them.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Waking up to rain.

Talen spends the night on Wed. so that his Mom and Dad can go to their bowling league. He slept through the night which is always nice. Unfortunately we were both up early thanks to the thunder storm that rolled over our house.
With the rain coming down it was cool enough to have the back door open and Talen loved watching the rain. He was a little bit mad at me for not opening the gate so he could go outside and play in the rain-especially when his buddy Jedi came up and laid down on the outside of the gate.

With our early morning Talen decided to take an early nap. He fell asleep on the recliner. I tried to move him to his bed but he would have nothing to do with that, so I spent the next two hours hanging out making sure he didn't roll off onto the floor. He is so cute!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Talen's New Car

We have fun pushing him around the house, yes it makes noise!

This is why we bought it though, he likes to push things. He is so good at pushing his car. He goes as fast as he can until he hits something and then goes to the other end of the car and pushes the other way.

Look out dogs here I come!

Car shopping

Toys R Us-we are going to run out of money when this little guy gets bigger. Everything looks like so much fun!