Thursday, October 22, 2009

Childrens Museum

Talen got to go to the Children's Museum with his Momma,Jamma,Grandma, and Granny Faye on his birthday. He had everyone in the room laughing as he enjoyed standing on the air grate and getting blown with all the air. He is quite an adventurous little guy and fun to watch as he checks everything out.

Talen loved the noodle forest, he crawled through at first but was soon walking through like the big kids.
After the museum we all went to lunch.

We went to the outlet mall to check out the fall deals and boy did Talen hit the jack-pot. He had fun running around and he and Grandma checked out the fountain. Grandma had to head back to Michigan today but it was nice of her to come and celebrate with the birthday boy.

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Year Old

Hard to believe it has been a year. Our Little man will be one year old tomorrow. We had fun celebrating with him and his friends. There will be 2 more birthdays real soon- Torin-his cousin who will be 1 on Dec. 1st, and Kyler who will be 1 on Oct. 30th.

Yes, his birthday crown is in spanish-the Birthday Prince. He will be headed to Mexico this coming weekend to celebrate in style on the beach. This should be a fun trip now that he is walking.

His Michigan Grandparent's were both here-Grandpa John surprised everyone by knocking on the door just a few minutes before the birthday boy arrived. Even Grandma Nancy was surprised.

Momma made ice cream cone cup cakes decorated with what else-frog faces. Thanks Aunt Debbie for helping to decorate, they were so cute.

The day was a record setting 102 degrees but everyone made the best of it. Talen played in his little pool and as you can see the cute outfit that he came dressed in was soon removed so he could be cooler.

Always willing to smile for the camera, what a beautiful family. We are so blessed to have them all in our lives and living so close.

Toys, toys everywhere. The louder the noise the more popular they were with the little guys. Cousin Makayla was such a big help delivering the gifts to be opened. Talens big buddy Bryce-he is 2-had fun with all the stuff-the little Harley that Uncle JR gave him was a favorite. More pictures will follow when it is not quite so crazy.

Grandma Nancy comes to play

What could be better than having two Grandma's to play with. Jamma and Talen picked up Grandma at the airport on Thursday. We stopped for lunch so I could work my magical charms on everyone and then headed to Jamma's to play until Momma and Daddy got off work.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Safe Baby

It is cooling off and great to be outside again without having to be in the pool. Pappa installed gates to the gazebo so that Talen has a safe place to play while Jamma plays in the garden. Biggest playpen I've ever seen. Talen likes to help in the garden too but he is so very fast on those little legs of his. It's nice to have a safe place to put him.

Trying to get the yard all pretty for his big first birthday party. We are having everyone here on the 17th of Oct which is just around the corner.