Sunday, December 27, 2009

the Quad

We decided after Talen's first dune trip that he was going to be a real dunner-he loved it so much. We got him his first baby quad-battery powered-and were hoping he would learn how to use it with our help.
Talen as usual surprised us all and learned how to push the power button in about 10 seconds and was off across the living room. So funny.

Pappa and his good frind Jerry spent some time deciding just what decals to put on- it came with monkeys and baby stuff and that just wouldn't work for our little guy. He needed real tough guy motor racing stickers.

Christmas 2009

Two of my favorite guys lookin good at the Vandenberg Christmas Party.

Talen wasn't too happy with Santa but loved the rhino light parade and got to go for a ride so he was a happy boy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December Days

Like all kids Talen is having fun with the Christmas decorations, no he's not helping decorate, he helps undecorate when ever he thinks I am not looking. He loves Santa on the motorcycle because it plays "Born to be Wild" and it is fun to dance to. He carries it around and plays the song over and over, hopefully the batteries will wear out soon.

We hope to do some cookie baking soon, that should be fun. We might have to get another set of hands to help keep the little ones busy.

The days are cool so we don't get outside until after lunch. This is a new schedule for us and I don't think Talen understands it. When it is hot we head out early in the morning and stay in after lunch-unless we hit the pool that is. He still thinks he should get to go into the pool and has gotten his feet wet a couple of times-burrr.

Lunch time is always a hoot. Sometimes Talen sends everything to the dogs and sometimes he is very stingy with his food. He thought his spaghetti was particularly funny. It was very messy and he had me laughing too. He likes to suck the noodles in.
Always time to play with the dogs, they are after all his little buddies. Poor Jedi just can't get a break. Talen loves to crawl all over him, he thinks he is a recliner. Jedi moans but doesn't even pick his head up, he is such a good dog.

We hope you are all having as much fun this holiday season as we are. Love to all-Talen and Jamma and Pappa

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Beach Baby

Once again we headed south of the border for our Thanksgiving. Talen loves it and is such a social baby he already knows the regulars in the RV park where the kids keep their trailer.

Our toy hauler has really become the "TOY" hauler, we may rename it the playpen.

This was the first trip for Tess and Talen loved walking her around. She is small enough for him to handle.

Several of Jerylin and Jonathan's friends showed up for the long weekend. More people for Talen to entertain, he is such a cutie pie. Of course the guys had football on the mind and were able to watch a few of the big games, non of our teams won-so sad.

As always the beach was the best, water was a bit cold for me but if you live on the coast you would consider it warm. The dolphins made a big show, always love seeing them. Talen loved walking on the beach and when the tide was out he was quite an adventurous little guy on the reefs.

Lucky for us Tess stayed out of the water, not a fan of the wet dog smell.

Weather cooled down and the surf came up our last day there. Love the sound of the waves crashing. Can't wait to head back down again.

Hope your Thanksgiving was as relaxing and enjoyable as ours! Love to all!