Thursday, January 28, 2010


All is good here in Jamma Land. Talen keeps me laughing and learns something new everyday. He adds words to his vocabulary but still has his own language for us to try and figure out. I am so happy to have the time to spend with him. He loves to be outside, yea for the warm Arizona winters that let us be out in the sunshine almost everyday.

Wheels are still the big thing for him and he will try to ride anything. lawn mowers, wheelbarrows, you name it. If it has a motor and goes brumm brumm even better. He has mastered the go button on his quad which goes over just about everything. Now if he could just try steering. He goes until he runs into something and then just sits there-wheels a turning-waiting for you to come and turn it around.

This is his sign for airplane and he will stop what he is doing no matter where we are and put his hand on his head if he hears one.-even in the house.

The dogs are still his playmates. He calls them all by name and loves to throw balls with them-he has to say one two three before every throw which is so cute.

Jedi trys to end the game by placing all the balls in his mouth so Talen can't get them. You would think that would stop him but no-he just goes in and gets them. Brave baby.
Talen is very generous with his hugs and again the dogs are very good to let him squeeze them. Poor little Tess gets squished every now and then.

Just hanging out with his buddy. Jedi has three balls in his mouth at this point-crazy dog.

This was Pappa's (or Elvis as he is known in his circle of friends) Christmas hat. It plays music and Talen loves music and loves to dance. He used to just like to listen to the hat play now he puts it on and wants it on so he can dance-so funny. Future King of Rock and Roll!

Breakfast time- I feed the dogs at the same time but they never seem interested in their food until Talen's bowl is empty. This is the look that says-"I didn't feed my oatmeal to them-honest Jamma I didn't"

Hondah is the most tolerant when it comes to having Talen in her food dish. Tess and Jedi are a bit more stingy with their food.

When Hondah didn't cooperate Talen just picked up the dish and took it in the office, Hondah had to eat the rest out of his hand if she wanted any.