Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Day with Pappa

Friday was Talen's day with Pappa. Jamma was around too but Talen didn't seem to notice. The guys started their day reading the sports section while waiting for their breakfast. Talen then spent most of the morning showing his Pappa how to play with all his toys.

We had to wait for it to warm up a bit and then they were outside doing chores. One of Talen's favorite activities is to have you blow him with the yard blower. He won't let you stop once you have begun and it is the funniest thing to watch.

Then it was off to Home Depot, Pappa bought some trees to put where we took out some earlier this year and the two of them planted while Jamma and Mamma watched. Talen thought Pappa dug the hole just for him to climb into.