Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday Night Fun

Grandpa has Friday's off and couldn't wait to get over to hold his little guy. He just keeps getting better looking!

Talen Comes Home

Day 2 Talen has his first car ride-not to happy with the car seat at first. While the two very nervous dogs waited for their arrival-they knew something was up. Ponce and Luna had spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa so they wouldn't be alone. Everyone was glad to be home and soon settled in for a nice long nap, it had been a long couple of days!

The First Day

Thought I would share a few pictures with you. When I first saw Talen he was just 3 hours old. He already seemed to be comfortable in the world. Although Jerylin and Jonathan were a little tired the love in that room was incredible. I feel so blessed to be a part of their lives and hope little Talen grows to appreciate all that comes from being a part of such a loving Family. That one word makes all the difference doesn't it-Family-how lucky he is!

Over night we have become Grandparents, and very proud ones. It was really quite overwhelming to hold him the first time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Talen Gianni Arrives

It's been a while and I have a lot to add. Jerylin and Jonathan have given me the ultimate gift. This week has been wonderful. Talen Gianni Evans came into the world at sunrise-or as I like to call it Grand-Son-Rise on Monday October 20th at 6:40AM. I knew it was his day because I had spoken to Jerylin on Sunday evening and she was at the hospital in labor and her water had broken. Not hearing from her Jerry and I headed out the door for work. Living out in the desert as we do you really appreciate the natural wonders God gives us everyday. I had just headed down the road when I came around the corner and there in front of me was the most beautiful sunrise. I had to stop and take a couple pictures, thinking what a beautiful start to what would be a very special day. Little did I know Talen was making his was into the world at that very moment.