Sunday, October 26, 2008

Talen Gianni Arrives

It's been a while and I have a lot to add. Jerylin and Jonathan have given me the ultimate gift. This week has been wonderful. Talen Gianni Evans came into the world at sunrise-or as I like to call it Grand-Son-Rise on Monday October 20th at 6:40AM. I knew it was his day because I had spoken to Jerylin on Sunday evening and she was at the hospital in labor and her water had broken. Not hearing from her Jerry and I headed out the door for work. Living out in the desert as we do you really appreciate the natural wonders God gives us everyday. I had just headed down the road when I came around the corner and there in front of me was the most beautiful sunrise. I had to stop and take a couple pictures, thinking what a beautiful start to what would be a very special day. Little did I know Talen was making his was into the world at that very moment.

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