Thursday, November 20, 2008

Great Grandpa Klettlinger's 80th Birthday

What a wonderful day. We celebrated Dad's 80th birthday here at our house with family and friends. Made the famous Klettlinger sausage and as always turned out fabulous! It was so much fun to see everyone. Aunt Mary was here with her kids and Grand kids. She became a Great Grandmother this month too. David (Mike's son) and his wife Corina had a little girl. Too young to come to the party so I don't have pictures to share yet. Mike was in town to meet his Granddaughter so it was a nice treat to have him here. As always Aunt Mary,Marlene, Marie, Mark, Mike, and David jumped right in and helped with the sausage making-thanks guys!
Debbie and Phil and Becky did all the hard work of making the rest of the feast. Pam, Becky's dearest friend and part of the family, made the wonderful desserts, cupcakes and the chocolate fountain! Wonderful food!
Talen got to finally meet his Uncle Adam as well as everyone else. Adam lives across town and with gas prices as high as they are hasn't made the trip over to see anyone. Cousin David got a chance to practice holding a little baby, his wife Kim is due in a few weeks, a boy too! Those two are going to keep up all on our toes I am sure. Christmas will be special as we all join together again to celebrate FAMILY! What a gift!

Talen is growing everyday and is my main focus these days. He brings hope and a smile of things to come. It is so easy to get lost in the tiny little face and forget everything else. He has taught me to slow down and that life doesn't have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it. Jerylin and Jonathan are doing such a great job (I knew they would). We are busy packing the trailer to head back down to Rocky Point Mexico for Thanksgiving next week. Talen's first beach trip. Jerylin was only 2 weeks old when we started taking her camping, went to Bartlett Lake with "The Boat People", you know who you are! Hopefully we can pass on the love of the outdoors to Talen and this will only be the first of many fun memories as we share the world with him.

Keeping Busy

Jerry and I have been busy, him working to support his unemployed wife and me with Talen. The day after I was laid off we headed to Rocky Point Mexico with friends-some new and some old- for the 8th Annual Rally. We will definitely put it on our list for next year it was so much fun and I did good on the 200 mile ride down. My Harley is a dream to ride. Learned two things, going down-plan better so the sun is not in your eyes, coming home before the sun-leather is your friend, sucks to be cold. We will both be getting cold weather gloves for Christmas this year! Thanks for the great time Sonny and Jeanice!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jerylin carved Talen's first Halloween pumpkin-no scary stuff for our little Prince.

We have all been busy. Grandma and Grandpa Evans came from Michigan to visit. Both Grandpa's love to ride motorcycles. John and his friends Dennis and Ann rented Harley's and everyone had fun seeing a bit of AZ. I was able to ride along on one of the morning rides out to Bartlett Lake and then to the famous Hideaway Biker Bar in Cavecreek. The weather has been great this fall so the riding has been great. Jerry and I had to head home to babysit while they all attended Jonathan's friend Andy's wedding. Talen spent the night and was such a good baby.