Thursday, November 20, 2008

Great Grandpa Klettlinger's 80th Birthday

What a wonderful day. We celebrated Dad's 80th birthday here at our house with family and friends. Made the famous Klettlinger sausage and as always turned out fabulous! It was so much fun to see everyone. Aunt Mary was here with her kids and Grand kids. She became a Great Grandmother this month too. David (Mike's son) and his wife Corina had a little girl. Too young to come to the party so I don't have pictures to share yet. Mike was in town to meet his Granddaughter so it was a nice treat to have him here. As always Aunt Mary,Marlene, Marie, Mark, Mike, and David jumped right in and helped with the sausage making-thanks guys!
Debbie and Phil and Becky did all the hard work of making the rest of the feast. Pam, Becky's dearest friend and part of the family, made the wonderful desserts, cupcakes and the chocolate fountain! Wonderful food!
Talen got to finally meet his Uncle Adam as well as everyone else. Adam lives across town and with gas prices as high as they are hasn't made the trip over to see anyone. Cousin David got a chance to practice holding a little baby, his wife Kim is due in a few weeks, a boy too! Those two are going to keep up all on our toes I am sure. Christmas will be special as we all join together again to celebrate FAMILY! What a gift!

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