Sunday, December 28, 2008

December to Remember

How much fun this season has been. Talen makes everything fun and being off work gave me more time than I have had in a long time. There was time to bake cookies, and of course Jerylin and Talen came to help. Time to decorate, I love it-Jerry hates it but the court yard lookes beautiful at night. Shopping was my only problem, I never did make it to the mall after the last trip with Jerylin. Christmas cards will be in the mail this week. We finally got everyone together for our family picture yesterday.

It has been a week of parties beginning with our dear friends Amy and Denny Vandenbergs annual Christmas party which is always wonderful but I must say this year they out did themselves. Our group of friends is growing and the children were now the focus. The light parade through the desert by their house was a sight to see and brought Santa and his bag of gifts to all the very excited children. Talen didn't have a clue what was going on but everyone there oohed and ahhed as Jerylin handed over her beautiful son to Santa for his photo.
We had our Christmas Eve dinner with the Klettlinger's at our house. Having everyone together is so special. Family and food, what could be better.

Christmas morning has turned into a very late morning around here. I am sure that will all change when Talen gets old enough to know what's up. We had a very laid back morning opening gifts and eating breakfast. Adam, armed with gifts, was able to spend the weekend with us so he was here along with my Mom and Larry. Poor Mom has a cold and had to stay away from little Talen, that's so hard. Jerylin and Jonathan have already given us the gift of a lifetime and yet came with even more gifts. We are so very spoiled by all! You guessed it Harley Davidson was the theme. Later in the day the little family went home to nap and Jerry, Adam and I headed to his sister Debbie and Phil's for yet another get together and more food. As if I wasn't fat enough.
Our nephew David had to work, but his wife Kim and little Torin born December 1st were there. Jerry's parent's got 2 great grandson's in 2 months.

We had an open house here for family and friends yesterday. This time both of the babies were together. Next year will be even better with them running around. I hope your Christmas was just as wonderful. I will head off to get those cards made now and hopefully get them to you before next year! Love to all!

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