Monday, July 27, 2009

Camping at the Cinders in Flagstaff

It's a long drive to get out of the heat of the Phoenix and into the cool pine trees of Flagstaff. Talen enjoyed munching on his beef stick. He was such a good baby on the drive up.

Talen had his own play yard under the pine trees. Everyone joined him to play, even Tess.

Abby and Jerylin took Talen for a ride in Abby's little car. He loved it, Jamma was a bit nervous.

Every sink is a bathtub for our little guy. At least one of us was clean.

Quiet time with Pappa.

Talen helping to load the quads to head for home.


Jerylin, Talen and Jamma went to Aunt Becky's to visit. She was babysitting Torin for Dave and Kim. Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Klettlinger were there too. Great Visit, such cute boys!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Off to Michigan

We kept our little guy over night on Wed. as we usually do while the kids go to their bowling league. What a good time we have. Thursday morning we picked up Jonathan and Jerylin and I drove the three of them to the airport. They are in Michigan visiting Jonathan's family. I hope they enjoy him as much as we do.

Talen has his two bottom teeth, if you look close you can see them in the picture, one of his top front teeth just broke through and the other is very close. Poor little guy, he is a real trooper and not letting it get to him too much even though he has been running a fever off and on.

Can't wait to her about his adventures in Michigan. Lots of stuff to take along with a traveling baby, he had the most luggage.