Monday, July 27, 2009

Camping at the Cinders in Flagstaff

It's a long drive to get out of the heat of the Phoenix and into the cool pine trees of Flagstaff. Talen enjoyed munching on his beef stick. He was such a good baby on the drive up.

Talen had his own play yard under the pine trees. Everyone joined him to play, even Tess.

Abby and Jerylin took Talen for a ride in Abby's little car. He loved it, Jamma was a bit nervous.

Every sink is a bathtub for our little guy. At least one of us was clean.

Quiet time with Pappa.

Talen helping to load the quads to head for home.

1 comment:

Single momma said...

looks like fun! i'm jealous! : )