Thursday, August 13, 2009

Waking up to rain.

Talen spends the night on Wed. so that his Mom and Dad can go to their bowling league. He slept through the night which is always nice. Unfortunately we were both up early thanks to the thunder storm that rolled over our house.
With the rain coming down it was cool enough to have the back door open and Talen loved watching the rain. He was a little bit mad at me for not opening the gate so he could go outside and play in the rain-especially when his buddy Jedi came up and laid down on the outside of the gate.

With our early morning Talen decided to take an early nap. He fell asleep on the recliner. I tried to move him to his bed but he would have nothing to do with that, so I spent the next two hours hanging out making sure he didn't roll off onto the floor. He is so cute!

1 comment:

Single momma said...

SO CUTE! looks like lots of fun with jamma!