Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mexico Again

Having Parents who are teachers has it's up side. The kids went down to spend a week on the beach. We went down with Amy and Denny and a bunch of other friends the following weekend for the Roger Clyne concert.

Talen having his tequila shots at JJ's

Beach time with barbie and ken

at the concert-so much fun

our little pirate

Hot tub time with Uncle Denny.

fresh mango's on the beach

Talen shares with Uncle Denny

My silly boy!

Beach Girl Revi.

Jerylin Turn's 30

Happy Birthday Mom-love the strawberries!

Easter in Rocky Point

You have to have a sense of humor if you are going to the beach in Rocky Point during Holy Week. This is the biggest Mexican beach time of all year and the town is full of those crazy Mexican's. They fill the streets and pile into cars and head to the beach to party all night long. They do some of the stupidest stuff and are very entertaining. We saw several vehicles stuck on the beach as the ocean tried it's best to take them out to sea. Our staff at the condo is wonderful and were always around to keep us safe and to keep our area of the beach clean-those Mexican's are very dirty. We had a wonderful time and so did they.

Talen loves finding the crabs in the ocean-Jamma not so much so he had to chase me.

Tess and Teila came along and had a great time in the ocean. We had very calm water once again which is so much fun for Talen.

The Easter bunny came to the condo and so Talen got to hunt for eggs. He figured out real quick that there was candy in the plastic eggs and would open and eat it before you could stop him.

Enjoying the Easter candy!

The Evan's family.

Coloring Eggs.

Watching the quad races on the beach.

Swim Lessons

Because of our love of the water swim lessons are a must. Talen and his Buddy Slone have a great time-even with a heated pool it was really cold but Talen didn't seem to mind. He will be swimming like a fish before long.

Back to the beach

In March we head south again. Revi's first trip. The water is warm and the ocen waves are calm so there is plenty of fun beach time.

Every night the sunset puts on a show-my favorite part of the day.

Ready for the beach!

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Klettlinger joined us. They strarted our love of this little fishing village when Jerry was very young. The family has been going down to fish for over 40 years now.

Looking good Revi

Revi Violet Evans Arrives

Just after midnight February 4th, Talen's baby sister Revi joined the family. 7lbs8oz and 20 inches long which is good size for a new born and yet she looked so very small. Talen spent the night with us and we couldn't wait to get to the hospital to see our new girl in the morning.

Talen's First Trip to the new condo

The first Weekend in January Jerry and I head south. A very pregnant Jerylin and little Talen came along for their first stay in the new place.

The boys had fun out on the quads. There is a big sand mountain, you can just see the condos in the distance. Talen had fun just climbing the mountain and playing in the sand.

Watching the pelicans and sunset are just part of why we love it here.

Looking down I see Talen's little foot prints in the sand-one of my favorite pictures.

Even though it is cool on the beach in January the sun shines down and walks on the beach are wonderful. The surf is calm and the sand perfect for making sand castles.

Jerylin was 9 months pregnant which had her Dad a bit worried but the trip was good and the baby waited. We had the beach to our selves and it was good to relax. Jerylin got the needed rest and we had a blast with Talen.

Talen's favorite bar-JJ's Cantina-best fish tacos.