Sunday, July 3, 2011

Easter in Rocky Point

You have to have a sense of humor if you are going to the beach in Rocky Point during Holy Week. This is the biggest Mexican beach time of all year and the town is full of those crazy Mexican's. They fill the streets and pile into cars and head to the beach to party all night long. They do some of the stupidest stuff and are very entertaining. We saw several vehicles stuck on the beach as the ocean tried it's best to take them out to sea. Our staff at the condo is wonderful and were always around to keep us safe and to keep our area of the beach clean-those Mexican's are very dirty. We had a wonderful time and so did they.

Talen loves finding the crabs in the ocean-Jamma not so much so he had to chase me.

Tess and Teila came along and had a great time in the ocean. We had very calm water once again which is so much fun for Talen.

The Easter bunny came to the condo and so Talen got to hunt for eggs. He figured out real quick that there was candy in the plastic eggs and would open and eat it before you could stop him.

Enjoying the Easter candy!

The Evan's family.

Coloring Eggs.

Watching the quad races on the beach.

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