Saturday, May 23, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Miss Jerylin is done for another school year. I was lucky enough to spend time with her class on more than one occasion and I have to say those are some very lucky kids to have a teacher as wonderful as Jerylin is. I know it was hard to say goodbye to her little ones this year.

I took Talen to her class so that everyone could see him and he stole the show. He was so good and as always enjoyed the attention he received. Little Nate made a comment about his big muscles, yes that's what all those rolls are!

Snack Time

OK, I'm in my chair, now bring me my snack!

Mmmm blueberry, this is new. What do you think Tess?

You know I am not allowed to try anything until you drop it on the floor, now start dropping you little pig!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sunday fun with the Hamiltons

Jerry and I headed over to Sonny and Jeanice's to see their new Harley. We lucked out when we got there and Dan and David and Torin were there too. We called Jerylin and she and Jonathan headed over with Talen. What a great day and so much fun to see the boys together. Torin is 6 week younger than Talen and as you can see about the same size. They are both so cute. Cousins are great! I have so many happy memories of the kids growing up together and It will be so nice that they are staying close so their kids will have the same bond that makes for strong families.

It's Hot!

Jamma got a frog floaty for Talen on Mothers Day.

Boy did it get hot fast. Lucky for us all we can just head for the pool to cool off.
Talen is our little water baby.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Won't be long now

I can see it coming, Talen is trying his best to be mobile. He is moving from his sitting position onto his tummy in record time. If he wants something he goes for it and although right now it doesn't always work out for him I can see his little brain working on the solution to moving across the floor. Although this is going to be a big breakthrough a baby on the move will definitely keep us all on our toes.

Our dog Tess and Jerylin's dog Luna have gotten very smart. Jerylin says Luna now drops her toys in Talens lap knowing that Jerylin will take them away from him and throw them.
Tess brings her little ball and drops it in Talens lap and although he doesn't throw it back he does drop it and it rolls so they both love the game they have going.

Talen's other favorite toys are cell phones and the TV remotes. So much for all those fancy toys.

Hope you Mom's have a great Mothers Day, Jerylin and Jonathan took their family camping in the mountains for the weekend. Jerry has to work Saturday making sure all those Mother's Day packages get delivered. We are looking forward to brunch at sister Debbie's house on Sunday.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hope you are enjoying your spring as much as we are. What the rabbits haven't eaten is blooming like crazy and if the heat holds off we will be enjoying the flowers all month. The smell is incredible but I can't sent that over the internet.

Talen and I spend time everyday in the garden so I thought you would like to see the fruits of our labor. He loves to help water and enjoys just being outside. I am usually holding him so pictures of us are out of the question but I hope you enjoy the flowers as much as we do.

Jerry is still working on adding more flower beds for me on the wedding side of the back yard. It is looking good and we are ready for the curbing to go in and then I get to plant-I'll keep you posted it may take the rest of the summer to complete but I think it will look awesome.