Friday, May 8, 2009

Won't be long now

I can see it coming, Talen is trying his best to be mobile. He is moving from his sitting position onto his tummy in record time. If he wants something he goes for it and although right now it doesn't always work out for him I can see his little brain working on the solution to moving across the floor. Although this is going to be a big breakthrough a baby on the move will definitely keep us all on our toes.

Our dog Tess and Jerylin's dog Luna have gotten very smart. Jerylin says Luna now drops her toys in Talens lap knowing that Jerylin will take them away from him and throw them.
Tess brings her little ball and drops it in Talens lap and although he doesn't throw it back he does drop it and it rolls so they both love the game they have going.

Talen's other favorite toys are cell phones and the TV remotes. So much for all those fancy toys.

Hope you Mom's have a great Mothers Day, Jerylin and Jonathan took their family camping in the mountains for the weekend. Jerry has to work Saturday making sure all those Mother's Day packages get delivered. We are looking forward to brunch at sister Debbie's house on Sunday.


Single momma said...

man oh man! i cant wait to have the boys start moving around! they will finally get to play by themselves! the yard looks gorgeous! hopefully we get to see everyone soon!

Single momma said...

happy mothers day Joz!