Sunday, December 28, 2008

December to Remember

How much fun this season has been. Talen makes everything fun and being off work gave me more time than I have had in a long time. There was time to bake cookies, and of course Jerylin and Talen came to help. Time to decorate, I love it-Jerry hates it but the court yard lookes beautiful at night. Shopping was my only problem, I never did make it to the mall after the last trip with Jerylin. Christmas cards will be in the mail this week. We finally got everyone together for our family picture yesterday.

It has been a week of parties beginning with our dear friends Amy and Denny Vandenbergs annual Christmas party which is always wonderful but I must say this year they out did themselves. Our group of friends is growing and the children were now the focus. The light parade through the desert by their house was a sight to see and brought Santa and his bag of gifts to all the very excited children. Talen didn't have a clue what was going on but everyone there oohed and ahhed as Jerylin handed over her beautiful son to Santa for his photo.
We had our Christmas Eve dinner with the Klettlinger's at our house. Having everyone together is so special. Family and food, what could be better.

Christmas morning has turned into a very late morning around here. I am sure that will all change when Talen gets old enough to know what's up. We had a very laid back morning opening gifts and eating breakfast. Adam, armed with gifts, was able to spend the weekend with us so he was here along with my Mom and Larry. Poor Mom has a cold and had to stay away from little Talen, that's so hard. Jerylin and Jonathan have already given us the gift of a lifetime and yet came with even more gifts. We are so very spoiled by all! You guessed it Harley Davidson was the theme. Later in the day the little family went home to nap and Jerry, Adam and I headed to his sister Debbie and Phil's for yet another get together and more food. As if I wasn't fat enough.
Our nephew David had to work, but his wife Kim and little Torin born December 1st were there. Jerry's parent's got 2 great grandson's in 2 months.

We had an open house here for family and friends yesterday. This time both of the babies were together. Next year will be even better with them running around. I hope your Christmas was just as wonderful. I will head off to get those cards made now and hopefully get them to you before next year! Love to all!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time with Talen

Jerylin took Talen to the mall today and I joined them. He was so good, there is so much to see and hear. She thought it was going to be a very quick trip, after all who has fun with a fussy baby. I brought along a spare bottle that I had here at the house so we could stay a bit longer. She did have diapers and wipes but no extra cloths. As those of you with boys know changing their diapers is an adventure. He smiled so sweetly as he pee'd all over his outfit and had to be a naked baby as we headed in a store to buy him something to wear. I think he has me all figured out already and this was all a plan to get me to buy him stuff! Could you resist this face?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our overnight guest.

Not much gets done when Talen is here. Jerylin and Jonathan went to see Celine Dion in concert and we got Talen overnight. Jerry Mayo came for dinner, he needed his baby fix and this time Talen was awake to meet him. Talen sleeps well, only gets up at 2:30am for his bottle and then goes right back to sleep. He does get up early, but so do we so it works out for all. He is very time consuming, after all you have to look at him all the time because he might do something cute! He is recognizing voices now and smiles often. We had our first winter day and so Grandpa made us a fire to keep warm, we spent most of the morning just laying on the floor with our ever watchful Hondah making sure Talen was OK.

Thanksgiving in Rocky Point

Although he won't remember his first Thanksgiving we were all thankful that Talen was with us, healthy and happy! He got to put his little feet in the warm Baja waters.
What a peaceful Thanksgiving!

The trip could have only been better if all of you were with us! We ate our Turkey dinner outside at our RV campsite and enjoyed the warm Rockey Point weather with the smell of the ocean and other campers cooking their Thanksgiving feasts.

It was raining when we left Phoenix and cleared just as we crossed the border into Mexico. We soon had camp set, the satilite up and football on the TV while the turkey cooked. All the comforts of home and more. We are already planning next years trip and will add an additional day to travel home and hopefully miss the long lines at the border. Anyone wishing to join us should let us know so we can all camp together, we are going for beach front next year!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Great Grandpa Klettlinger's 80th Birthday

What a wonderful day. We celebrated Dad's 80th birthday here at our house with family and friends. Made the famous Klettlinger sausage and as always turned out fabulous! It was so much fun to see everyone. Aunt Mary was here with her kids and Grand kids. She became a Great Grandmother this month too. David (Mike's son) and his wife Corina had a little girl. Too young to come to the party so I don't have pictures to share yet. Mike was in town to meet his Granddaughter so it was a nice treat to have him here. As always Aunt Mary,Marlene, Marie, Mark, Mike, and David jumped right in and helped with the sausage making-thanks guys!
Debbie and Phil and Becky did all the hard work of making the rest of the feast. Pam, Becky's dearest friend and part of the family, made the wonderful desserts, cupcakes and the chocolate fountain! Wonderful food!
Talen got to finally meet his Uncle Adam as well as everyone else. Adam lives across town and with gas prices as high as they are hasn't made the trip over to see anyone. Cousin David got a chance to practice holding a little baby, his wife Kim is due in a few weeks, a boy too! Those two are going to keep up all on our toes I am sure. Christmas will be special as we all join together again to celebrate FAMILY! What a gift!

Talen is growing everyday and is my main focus these days. He brings hope and a smile of things to come. It is so easy to get lost in the tiny little face and forget everything else. He has taught me to slow down and that life doesn't have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it. Jerylin and Jonathan are doing such a great job (I knew they would). We are busy packing the trailer to head back down to Rocky Point Mexico for Thanksgiving next week. Talen's first beach trip. Jerylin was only 2 weeks old when we started taking her camping, went to Bartlett Lake with "The Boat People", you know who you are! Hopefully we can pass on the love of the outdoors to Talen and this will only be the first of many fun memories as we share the world with him.

Keeping Busy

Jerry and I have been busy, him working to support his unemployed wife and me with Talen. The day after I was laid off we headed to Rocky Point Mexico with friends-some new and some old- for the 8th Annual Rally. We will definitely put it on our list for next year it was so much fun and I did good on the 200 mile ride down. My Harley is a dream to ride. Learned two things, going down-plan better so the sun is not in your eyes, coming home before the sun-leather is your friend, sucks to be cold. We will both be getting cold weather gloves for Christmas this year! Thanks for the great time Sonny and Jeanice!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jerylin carved Talen's first Halloween pumpkin-no scary stuff for our little Prince.

We have all been busy. Grandma and Grandpa Evans came from Michigan to visit. Both Grandpa's love to ride motorcycles. John and his friends Dennis and Ann rented Harley's and everyone had fun seeing a bit of AZ. I was able to ride along on one of the morning rides out to Bartlett Lake and then to the famous Hideaway Biker Bar in Cavecreek. The weather has been great this fall so the riding has been great. Jerry and I had to head home to babysit while they all attended Jonathan's friend Andy's wedding. Talen spent the night and was such a good baby.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday Night Fun

Grandpa has Friday's off and couldn't wait to get over to hold his little guy. He just keeps getting better looking!

Talen Comes Home

Day 2 Talen has his first car ride-not to happy with the car seat at first. While the two very nervous dogs waited for their arrival-they knew something was up. Ponce and Luna had spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa so they wouldn't be alone. Everyone was glad to be home and soon settled in for a nice long nap, it had been a long couple of days!

The First Day

Thought I would share a few pictures with you. When I first saw Talen he was just 3 hours old. He already seemed to be comfortable in the world. Although Jerylin and Jonathan were a little tired the love in that room was incredible. I feel so blessed to be a part of their lives and hope little Talen grows to appreciate all that comes from being a part of such a loving Family. That one word makes all the difference doesn't it-Family-how lucky he is!

Over night we have become Grandparents, and very proud ones. It was really quite overwhelming to hold him the first time.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Talen Gianni Arrives

It's been a while and I have a lot to add. Jerylin and Jonathan have given me the ultimate gift. This week has been wonderful. Talen Gianni Evans came into the world at sunrise-or as I like to call it Grand-Son-Rise on Monday October 20th at 6:40AM. I knew it was his day because I had spoken to Jerylin on Sunday evening and she was at the hospital in labor and her water had broken. Not hearing from her Jerry and I headed out the door for work. Living out in the desert as we do you really appreciate the natural wonders God gives us everyday. I had just headed down the road when I came around the corner and there in front of me was the most beautiful sunrise. I had to stop and take a couple pictures, thinking what a beautiful start to what would be a very special day. Little did I know Talen was making his was into the world at that very moment.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

7.25.08 - First Baby Picture (at 28 weeks)

Well here I go, my sister Beth has inspired me to make this. My wonderful nephew Jeremy helped me get it going and I can't thank him enough. From the day Jerylin and Jonathan told us we were to be Grandparents my life has changed. This sweet little boy has already captured my heart and to be able to see him before he arrives is beyond wonderful for me. To be able to share all of this with you makes it even better. I hope you all enjoy the glorious ride as we venture into Grandparenthood.